Saturday, August 13, 2011

Press coverage: I hope it catches

Some journos from Dainik Jagran contacted me from my hometown. They had heard and were impressed with the work that I am doing on these senior level appointments linking with Constitution and firing the volley of RTIs at the government( My blog is almost full of that. For those who don't know, my RTI applications are never related to corruption and are highly non-direct. I am trying to make the system work as per the Constitution at the top level in the government with almost no change. The rest of correction to the bottom, my assumption is, will follow in due time.)

Apparently, the newspaper was doing a coverage on a new freedom struggle. I felt honoured to be associated with this phrase. I have always maintained that just everyday minor vigilance is enough. Not too big a fan of a one time struggle and a happily everafter theory. The journalist got my contact through a friend he knew ,who is himself a nutty chap, and requested a telephonic session since I was at Delhi.

I gladly obliged.

The scan copy of the article is shown on this page for your check. There are some minor errors made in this report. I'll be filing a petition in Delhi High Court, not in Supreme Court. He made me younger by a year too though I don't mind that. :)